The books on this page are collections, complete or selected, of the dialogues of Plato. For overviews of Plato's achievement, or examinations of the entire Platonic corpus, go to the page Plato.
All the writings of Plato generally considered to be authentic are here presented in the only complete one-volume Plato available in English. The editors set out to choose the contents of this collected edition from the work of the best British and American translators of the last 100 years, ranging from Jowett (1871) to scholars of the present day. The volume contains prefatory notes to each dialogue, by Edith Hamilton; an introductory essay on Plato's philosophy and writings, by Huntington Cairns; and a comprehensive index which seeks, by means of cross references, to assist the reader with the philosophical vocabulary of the different translators.
Outstanding translations by leading contemporary scholars--many commissioned especially for this volume--are presented here in the first single edition to include the entire surviving corpus of works attributed to Plato in antiquity. In his introductory essay, John Cooper explains the presentation of these works, discusses questions concerning the chronology of their composition, comments on the dialogue form in which Plato wrote, and offers guidance on approaching the reading and study of Plato's works. Also included are concise introductions by Cooper and Hutchinson to each translation, meticulous annotation designed to serve both scholar and general reader, and a comprehensive index. This handsome volume offers fine paper and a high-quality Smyth-sewn cloth binding in a sturdy, elegant edition.
The complete texts of The Republic , The Apology , Crito , Phaedo , Ion , Meno , Euthydemus , and Symposium in W.H.D. Rouse's widely-acclaimed translation. Pronouncing index, the Greek Alphabet.
Plato's complete works were translated and published over the course of forty years for the Loeb Classical Library. Here is a list of what each volume contains:
1. Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. Phaedrus.
2. Thaetetus. Sophist.
3. The statesman. Philebus. Ion.
4. Laches. Protagoras. Meno. Euthydemus.
5. Lysis. Symposium. Gorgias.
6. Cratylus. Parmenides. Greater Hippias. Lesser Hippias.
7. Timaeus. Critias. Cleitophon. Menexenus. Epistles.
8.Charmenides. Alcibiades I & II. Hipparchus. The lovers. The ages. Minos. Epinomis.
9. Laws, Bks, I-VI.
10. Laws, Bks. VII-XII.
11. Republic, Bks. I-V.
12. Republic, Bks. VI-X.
The second edition of Five Dialogues presents G. M. A. Grube's distinguished translations, as revised by John Cooper for Plato, Complete Works . A number of new or expanded footnotes are also included along with an updated bibliography.