The Sacrifice We Offer by David N. PowerCall Number: BX2218 .P68 1987
ISBN: 0824507436
Publication Date: 1987-03-01
Although the sacrificial nature of the eucharist is no longer the divisive issue that it once was between the churches, other issues in eucharistic doctrine and practice have still to be resolved. In this book, Professor Power defines the points of continuing disagreement in current ecumenical relations. He shows in each case what the Council of Trent intended in its teaching on the Sacrifice of the Mass, and presents principles for an interpretation and re-evaluation of the dogma. The first chapters provide an analysis of the debates and decrees concerning the Mass of the Council of Trent, and also offer an interpretation of these teachings based on general principles for the interpretation of dogma. Then follows a consideration of some of the interests and concerns prior to the Council of Trent that led to the present practice of the Catholic Mass. Professor Power shows how an understanding of these may compel a re-interpretation of the dogma and allow the possibility of much further dialogue among the churches. -Jacket.