Thy Will Be Done by Francis de SalesCall Number: BX2179 .F8 L51 1995
ISBN: 091847728X
Publication Date: 1995-06-01
St. Francis de Sales, renowned author of "An Introduction to the Devout Life", was also a dearly beloved pastor, famous for his gentle, sensible advice on matters spiritual and practical. Like a seventeenth-century "Dear Abby", this holy priest wrote more than twenty thousand thoughtful, fascinating, personal letters to people who approached him for guidance. These letters to persons in all walks of life show that the spiritual difficulties people had three hundred years ago are largely the same that you and I have today: impatience, anger, discouragement, difficulties in prayer, family strife, sickness, and fear of death. In his touching letters to people suffering these and other common troubles, St. Francis shows how God wants each of us to deal with such problems and how we can gain the strength and courage to do so. Indeed, he shows how we can even learn to see God's will in them and to do His will joyfully. -Jacket.