Ancient Churches Revealed by Yoram TsafrirCall Number: NA5977 .A64 1993
ISBN: 9652210161
Publication Date: 1993-01-01
In the fourth century C.E. Christianity throughout the Roman world underwent a dramatic change. The rather few modest and private houses that had served the Christian congregations were replaced by numerous larger basilicas. This process was accelerated in the Holy Land, the cradle of Christianity. Indeed,the survey of churches of the Byzantine and Crusader periods in Israel has noted several hundred foundations, either of simple congregational churches in cities or villages, or of lavish edifices commemorating the "loca sancta". Many of these ruins time. Others have previously been published in detail. It is not the aim of this volume to present a complete corpus of excavated churches, but merely to provide an insight into the vast new material in a semipopular, amply illustrated, but professional manner. Most of the reports were written by the archaeologists who carried out the excavations. Thus, we are provided with a firsthand summary of current activity in the field of Christian archaeology in Israel. Like the previously-published volumes of "The Holy Land Revealed" series of the Israel Exploration Society, "Jerusalem Revealed" and "Ancient Synagogues Revealed", this book, primarily, is based on articles which appeared in the Hebrew quarterly, "Qadmoniot" (1968-1990). To these were added papers from other Hebrew publications; however, several articles were written especially for this volume.