Happy the One Who Meditates on Wisdom (Sir. 14,20) by Pancratius C. Beentjes (Editor)Call Number: BS1765.52 .B446 2006
ISBN: 9789042917514
Publication Date: 2006-06-16
Contents: Introduction : some major topics in Ben Sira research -- Pt. I. Studies of literary units -- 1. "Full wisdom is from the Lord" : Sir 1,1-10 and its place in Israel's wisdom literature -- 2. "Sei den Waisen wie ein Vater und den Witwen wie eine Gatte" : Ein kleiner Kommentar zu Ben Sira 4,1-10 -- 3. Ben Sira 5,1-8 : a literary and rhetorical analysis -- 4. "Ein Mensch ohne Freund ist wie eine linke Hand ohne die Rechte" : Prolegomena zur Kommentierung der Freundschaftsperikope Sir 6,5-17 -- 5. "How can a jug be friends with a kettle?" : a note on the structure of Ben Sira chapter 13 -- 6. "Full wisdom is fear of the Lord" : Ben Sira 19,20-20,31 : context, composition and concept -- 7. Tranen, Trauer, Totenklage : Eine kleine Studie uber Ben Sira 38,16-23 -- 8. Scripture and scribe : Ben Sira 38:34c-39:11 -- 9. 'praise of the famous' and its prologue : some observations on Ben Sira 44,1-15 and the question on enoch in 44,16 -- 10. "The countries marvelled at you" : King Solomon in Ben Sira 47,12-22 -- 11. Hezekiah and Isaiah : a study on Ben Sira 48,15-25 -- 12. "Sweet is his memory, like honey to the palate'. King Josiah in Ben Sira 49,1-4 -- Pt. II. Essays on thematic topics -- 13. Canon and scripture in the book of Ben Sira (Jesus Sirach / ecclesiasticus) -- 14. In search of parallels : Ben Sira and the book of kings -- 15. Relations between Ben Sira and the book of Isaiah : some methodological observations -- 16. Prophets and prophecy in the book of Ben Sira -- 17. God's mercy : 'Racham'(pi.), 'Rachum', and 'Rachamim' in the book of Ben Sira -- 18. Brotherhood in the book of Ben Sira -- 19. Theodicy in the wisdom of Ben Sira -- Pt. III. Hebrew text(s) of Ben Sira -- 20. book of Ben Sira in Hebrew : preliminary remarks towards a new text edition and synopsis 21. reliability of text-editions in Ben Sira 41,14-16 : a case study in repercussions on structure and interpretation -- 22. Reading the Hebrew Ben Sira manuscripts synoptically -- a new hypothesis -- 23. Hebrew texts of Ben Sira 32[35].16-33[36].2 -- 24. Hermeneutics in the book of Ben Sira : some observations on the Hebrew Ms. C -- 25. Some misplaced words in the Hebrew manuscript C. of Ben Sira -- 26. Ben Sira 36,26d according to Ms. C. -- a new proposal -- 27. closer look at the newly discovered sixth Hebrew manuscript (Ms. F.) of Ben Sira